and have
with your own
and have
with your own
Try out your new chatbot. click here
Conversations that get results
People want to hear about your company and the jobs you offer, at all times of the day. The problem is, your staff is busy and not always available. What’s more, job seekers are most active after hours, when your recruiters are home.
How it works...

Chatbot Hello, welcome to Acme Industrial. Thank you for visiting. May I answer a question about our company? Or, help you find a job with us?

Job seeker Thank you, how are you today?

Chatbot I’m doing great, helping people find jobs. [an example of small talk]

Job seeker Good to hear. Does your company offer maternity leave?

Chatbot Yes we do! [an example of FAQ]

Job seeker What is your most successful product?

Chatbot In 1921 Acme Clean was developed and is still our most successful biofriendly product to date. [an example of an answer from a document]

Job seeker Thank you. Can you help me find a job?

Chatbot Yes! Please upload your resume so I may help find you a great job with us. Or, simply enter a few keywords. Thank you. [with keywords, or better, a resume, the AI will find a match for the job seeker]

Frequently asked questions may be answered at any time during the conversation. Such as, “can I bring my pet to work?”, or “Is my dog welcome at work?”
How it works...
Mosaictrack is able to understand the differ ways people ask the same question. You simply provide answers to common FAQ. Mosaictrack does the rest!
Question and answer
Allow people to find answers to questions about your company, culture, or products and services.
How it works...
All you need to do is simply upload documents, such as an employee handbook, company culture, company history, or product description pages. Your chatbot will be able to answer questions that you might not thought of.
Artificial intelligence job search
Yes, allow people to search for jobs and be matched automatically with AI.
How it works...
Job seekers may search using keywords, for example, “sales marketing jobs in Los Angeles.” Or, they can upload their resume and have jobs suggested to them based on predictive AI.
Match people to jobs by the ideas expressed. Not exact keywords that may lead to bias

Sentence from a job description...

We are looking for a web developer to be part of an agile team focused on creating great user experiences.

Sentence matching in a resume...

My goal is to work with a team committed to designing extraordinary online experiences.
Compare a resume to a job to find ideas for improvement to increase inclusion
Keywords found...
  • CSS
  • HTML
  • JavaScript
  • JSP
  • PHP
  • SQL
  • Web
Missing keywords...
  • agile development
  • communication skills
  • REST
  • SOAP
  • web developer
Suggested keyword changes...
  • onlineweb
  • techniquestechnologies
Speak their language...
  • committedfocused
  • designingcreating
  • extraordinarygreat
  • paradigmstandards