Chatbot Hello, welcome to Acme Industrial. Thank you for visiting. May I answer a question about our company? Or, help you find a job with us?
Job seeker Thank you, how are you today?
Chatbot I’m doing great, helping people find jobs. [an example of small talk]
Job seeker Good to hear. Does your company offer maternity leave?
Chatbot Yes we do! [an example of FAQ]
Job seeker What is your most successful product?
Chatbot In 1921 Acme Clean was developed and is still our most successful biofriendly product to date. [an example of an answer from a document]
Job seeker Thank you. Can you help me find a job?
Chatbot Yes! Please upload your resume so I may help find you a great job with us. Or, simply enter a few keywords. Thank you. [with keywords, or better, a resume, the AI will find a match for the job seeker]
Sentence from a job description...
Sentence matching in a resume...