Candidate matching made easy with AI
Discover the best candidates with AI
How it works
Start recruiting the best candidates with ease. Your resumes and job descriptions are synced from your ATS, making recruiting with AI seamless.
Match people to jobs with AI
Just like a skilled human assistant, Mosaictrack doesn't just look at individual words but understands the nuance of the broader themes and topics in each resume and job description.
Chat with your ATS
Focus on recruiting while minimizing repetitive tasks. Chat with your AI recruiting assistant to gain deeper insights into each candidate, helping you connect on a more meaningful level and making the hiring process more engaging and impactful.
Create emails and job descriptions
Craft emails and job descriptions that truly connect with your audience by using the intuitive guidance of your AI recruiting assistant to understand the interests and goals of those you’re communicating with.
How to find great candidates
  • Import resumes and jobs from your ATS
  • Match people to jobs with AI
  • Chat with your AI for insights
  • Create emails with AI
  • Present top candidates
  • Hire the best
AI Powered Job Matching
$49 per user / month
Match each job to top candidates using AI. For when you need targeted, accurate results.
AI Chat Assistant
$59 per user / month
Get on-demand insights, create emails and job descriptions, and streamline recruiting via AI-driven chat.